
Native American Culture: Exploring Music, Visual Arts, and Food of Contemporary Native Americans

Drumming and Song

Main resource used in this lesson plan from ahtove.org

Lesson Plan

Native American Culture: Exploring Music, Visual Arts, and Music of Contemporary Native Americans

Authors: E Novotny, J. Reese, & K. Guerra
Consultant/Editor: Dr. Mary Beth Henning (henninma@mountunion.edu)

Context for Teaching/Learning:

  • This lesson was taught to 29 fourth grade students at Alliance Intermediate School in Alliance, Ohio in the classroom of veteran teacher, Kelly Lemmon. The class included 12 girls and 14 boys. Over 50% of the students are African American or multi-racial. Over 50% of the students have IEPs or 504 plans. All children in the school receive free and reduced lunch due to the poverty rate in the city. Most IEPs in this class focus on reading and writing skills (reading levels range from kindergarten – 4th grade level) and there is one English learner.
  • For this lesson, the classroom is set up into three stations. Ideally, a teacher or volunteer or paraprofessional should lead each station. The children in this class have expressed a preference for working in groups, and groups are designed by the teacher for optimal cooperation and learning.
  • Discussion and individual conversations with students prior to teaching this lesson indicated that the students did not have accurate knowledge of Native American culture or experience today.
  • This hands-on lesson was highly engaging for the students, encourages critical thinking, and helps students make connections between themselves and aspects of Native American culture.

Clcik HERE to see the complete lesson plan.

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