Use this PowerPoint Show activity as a review for Northern Cheyenne to English and English to Northern Cheyenne Greetings and Phrases.
Use this Smartboard Notebook activity as a review for Northern Cheyenne to English and English to Northern Cheyenne Greetings and Phrases.
Click Here to download this file to your Computer. Once loaded, click on the opening page and go to full screen. Click to advance to page two and then click the direction for help using the activities.
If you don’t have Smartboard notebook software, click HERE to download the free version to use this file.
Northern Cheyenne to English
Northern Cheyenne to English (large)
English to Northern Cheyenne
English to Northern Cheyenne (large)
Northern Cheyenne Greetings – Student
Northern Cheyenne Greetings – Answers
Northern Cheyenne Phrases – Student
Northern Cheyenne Phrases – Answers
Use this Smartboard Notebook activity as an introduction to Northern Cheyenne culture and three greetings. Created for Transitional and regular Kindergarten classrooms.
Click Here to download this file to your Computer. Once loaded, click on the opening page and go to full screen. Click the topic you want to study. Navigations are on each gage.
Use this Google Slides deck as an introduction to Northern Cheyenne culture including three greetings. Created for Transitional and regular Kindergarten classrooms.
Click Here to link this file to your Google Classroom. Once linked, click on the opening page and go to full screen. Click the topic you want to study on the first page.