9th Grade Capstone Experience
Northern Cheyenne Reservation
& Yellowstone National Park
Building a Tipi
The Northern Cheyenne build tipis by arranging long poles in a circle, tying them at the top to create a cone shape, and covering them with canvas. After securing the base and leaving an entrance, they tie down the covering for stability. The entire process reflects the Northern Cheyenne’s deep connection to their cultural heritage and the adaptability required for a nomadic lifestyle. Tipis are not just practical shelters; they embody the traditions and resourcefulness of the Northern Cheyenne people.
Sweat Lodge

The sweat lodge is very important to the Northern Cheyenne and other Native American tribes. It cleaned the body and spirit, promotes well-being and healing. The ceremonies in the sweat lodge are a key part of their culture, bringing the community together and connecting them with nature and spirituality. Overall, ip plays a vital roll in preserving their traditions and fostering a strong sense of community.