Social Studies preservice teachers from the University of Mount Union in Alliance, Ohio presented their ahtove.org lesson plan creations at the annual Ohio Council for the Social Studies on Monday, October 16th. in Columbus, Ohio. You can view their lesson plans and resources HERE.
Culturally Sustaining Contemporary Practices for Teaching about Native Americans Cypress 3
Presenter: Mary Beth Henning, University of Mount Union; John Bennett, Lippman School; Emalie Novotny, Jess Reese, Bailee Nay, CarrieAnne Pataky, University of Mount Union
Looking for more authentic, engaging, and contemporary ways to teach about Native American culture? Come see lesson plans, primary sources, augmented reality, music, art, food, and artifacts that can make your elementary teaching come alive. Cooperative learning stations, inquiry, conceptual teaching, and role plays will be demonstrated. Talk with teachers who developed and taught culturally sustaining lessons to 4th graders in Northeast Ohio. All resources will be made available to participants through the website ahtove.org.
You can view the OCSS Program Guide HERE.